How to compare all the fields and their values in the response body?

My question: Hi all,
I want to verify around 500 fields and their values (assert expected values to actual values) in response.

I’ve already tried:
I have tried ajv tests and I do get failure mgs however the test result does not tell me which field(s) did not match the expected value.
The test result tells me on a high level that the assertion failed and gives me the whole response (which is not helpful as there are 500 fields).

Is there a way/test script that will pin-point/tell me where exactly the test failed eg. the field name which had incorrect value

Details (like screenshots):

Here, if the AppNumber is incorrect (expected=12345 <> actual=1234), I get Failed mgs with the entire response body instead of the Field name.

ResponceBody like:
“Application”: {
“AppNumber”: “12345”,
“App”: true,
“Apptravel”: true,
“ABC”: [
“ABCType”: “string”,
“Names”: “string”,
“familyName”: “string”,
“otherNames”: “string”,
“gender”: “string”,
“dob”: “2021-12-08”

"AlertApp": [
    "AlertId": "string",
    "AlertAction": "string",
    "AlertCreatedDate": "string",
    "AlertNumber": "string"
"Warnings": [
    "warningId": "string",
    "warningType": "string"

“AnotherArray1”: [
“SomeFields1”: “Test A User”,
“SomeFields2”: true,
“AnotherArrayhere”: [
“ABC road”

  "AnotherArray2": {
    "SomeMoreFields": "2021-12-08"
  "SomeMoreDetails": {
    "Details": {
      "unableCheck": "string"
    "medicalDetails": {
      "isVisitMedicalTreatment": true
    "TravelInfo": {
      "studyStartDate": "2021-12-08"
  "TravelDetails": [
      "startDate": "2021-12-08",
      "endDate": "2021-12-08"
  "movements": [
      "travelDocNumber": "string",
      "movementType": "Arrived",
      "date": "2021-12-08",
      "embarkationPort": "string",
      "disembarkationPort": "string"
  "citizenships": [
      "citizenshipCountry": "string",
      "hasTravelDocument": true,
      "nationalIdNumber": "string"
  "countriesVisited": [
      "country": "string",
      "durationInDays": 0
  "detentions": [
      "startDate": "2021-12-08",
      "endDate": "2021-12-08",
      "country": "string",
      "reason": "string"
  "alerts": [
      "alertId": "string",
      "alertCreatedDate": "string",
      "alertNumber": "string"
  "priorTravels": [
      "TravelDuration": 0,
      "priorTravelDetails": {
        "payAndSkillLevel": {
          "annualSalary": 0
      "priorResult": {
        "riskRating": "string",
        "profiledBy": "string",
        "RelatedDate": "string",
        "rulesRelated": [
      "priorApps": [
          "firstName": "string",
          "middleNames": "string",
          "surname": "string"
  "TravelHistories": [
      "clientID": 0,
      "dateStarted": "2021-12-08",
      "dateEnded": "2021-12-08"


I’m quite new to schema testing myself… but that bit you have scribbled out on the right-hand side is all the fields that dont match the schema right? Isn’t that what you are looking for?

For example;