How to assert that the response body contains strings


New to Postman and I would appreciate a little help.

I have the following response body and I would like to assert that “token_data” contains the access_token and refresh_token that both have strings.
“access_token”: “string”,
“refresh_token”: “string”

Help? :slight_smile:


Yes it is possible.

You need to use type of.

Snippet below:

pm.test("Data Type is correct for access_token " , function(){
pm.expect(typeof(resp.token_data[0].access_token) === “string”);

pm.test("Data Type is correct for refresh_token " , function(){
pm.expect(typeof(resp.token_data[0].refresh_token) === “string”);

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Another way to write the tests in addition to how @bpricilla demonstrated would be below:

pm.test('Access token is a string', function(){
  const jsonData = pm.response.json();

What’s nice about this method is that if you also want to test the value, you could change it to something like this:

pm.test('Access token has correct string', function(){
  const jsonData = pm.response.json();
  const expectedValue = 'my_access_token_expected_value';
  pm.expect(jsonData.token_data)'access_token', expectedValue);