So, I’m trying to add 15 minutes on each loop that I run.
let startDatesHours = moment("1200", "hmm").format("HH:mm:ss")
Now, for each run I want to add 15 minutes , so it would be 12:15 , 12:30 and so on…
However, I’m not certain how to approach this, it feels like a simple issue
I know how to add the minutes - .add(15, ‘minutes’), however I want to make it so, once it adds 15 minutes, it will be reusable on the following run and so on (18 runs roughly)
So I will be getting the variable on each run at the start and setting its new value at the end, but I cant figure out how to do it,
So I want to use pm.environment.get to get the initial value of 12:00, add 15 minutes , set the new value in the environment and run the request again, so when the pm.environment.get runs again, the value should be 12:15 and move to 12;30 for the next request
Should I be doing something like
let startDatesHours = moment(pm.environment.get('time'), "hmm").add(15, 'minutes').format("HH:mm:ss")
and update ‘time’ for each run?