How can I update variable values in json body of a request

My request body is a JSON with a list of events. Each event has an eventId and timestamp and it looks like this:
“event”: [
“eid”: 1,
“time”: 1538157934251
“eid”: 2,
“time”: 1538157945251

“eid”: 50,
“time”: 1538157955251

I want to have ‘eid’ and ‘time’ increment for every event using two variables like…

[ {
“eid”: {{id}}+1,
“time”: {{t}}+1000
}, {
“eid”: {{id}}+2,
“time”: {{t}}+5000

“eid”: {{id}}+n,
“time”: {{t}}+n*1000
I was able to do it with Jmeter. Can I do this with postman?

This is how i did it in Jmeter:
“time”:{__longSum({t},1000, t)}.
For those who are not familiar with Jmeter, the above line adds 1000 to t and stores it back to t


For time you can use “moment” in your Pre-request scripts.


//Set Time
var moment = require(“moment”);
var t = pm.variables.get(“t”);
pm.environment.set(‘t’, moment().add(1000, ‘seconds’).valueOf(t));
console.log(“t”, t);

This will pull in your environment variable “t”, add 1000 seconds to the time and then save the it back to the variable “t” to be used in the request.

I have used this in the past with subtracting time to set the timestamp in the past with good success.
Hope this helps.


Hi Mick,

Thanks for the reply. I want the value to get incremented for each event in that JSON. Not for each request. Do you know of any other solution?


Ok, I think I see what you’re trying to do.
See if this works.

In your Pre-Request:

 //Set Time
var moment = require("moment");
var time = moment().valueOf();
pm.environment.set('time', time);

//Set Data
var eventArray = [];_
for(var i = 1; i <= 50; i++) {
    var t = time + (i * 1000);
      "eid": i,
      "time": t

var data = { "event":  eventArray };
var JSONData = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(data)).toString();
pm.environment.set("JSONData", JSONData);
console.log("JSONDATA", JSONData);

Change your entire request body to the following variable:


This is what would be sent:


Thanks a lot Mick. That solves my problem.

I want to update “PolicyPaymentInfoList”:


below is the request body.


    "AdjustedPremium": 333.3,

    "AgentIdNo": "100072508",

    "AgentName": "NATY - TESTE HDI",

    "AuthorityType": "3",

    "AutoUwResultCode": "1",

    "BeforeVatPremium": 333.3,

    "BookCurrencyCode": "BRL",

    "BusinessCateCode": "1",

    "BusinessObjectId": 504831925,

    "CalculationDate": "2022-03-23T01:55:15",

    "CalculationExpiryDate": "2022-04-07",

    "Commission": 126.65,

    "CommissionRate": 0.2,

    "CommunicationType": "1",

    "CompanyBranch": "004",

    "CompanyCode": "01",

    "DefaultCommRateProd": 0.2,

    "DuePremium": 333.3,

    "EffectiveDate": "2022-02-01",

    "ExpiryDate": "2023-02-01",

    "FirstDataEntryDate": "2022-03-23T01:54:58",

    "GrossPremium": 333.3,

    "IsPremiumCalcSuccess": "Y",

    "IsRenewable": "Y",

    "IsTakeUpPolicy": "N",

    "LOBCode": "1130",

    "LOBGroupCode": "2",

    "LocalCurrencyCode": "BRL",

    "Modality": "7",

    "OperationType": "1",

    "PHAgreementCode": "1",

    "PHCode": "3544806",

    "PHPerc": 0,

    "PHUnit": "1",

    "POIDaysBetween": 365,

    "POIRate": 1,

    "PolicyAgentList": [


            "AgentBranch": "0001",

            "AgentCode": "100072508",

            "AgentDocument": "11111111111",

            "AgentType": "C",

            "BirthDate": "1900-01-01",

            "BusinessObjectId": 370854223,

            "Commission": 53.33,

            "CommissionLocal": 53.33,

            "CommissionType": "1",

            "Country": "Brazil",

            "FirstName": "José",

            "Gender": "Male",

            "IdType": "CPF",

            "InsurancePortfolio": "130",

            "LanguagePreferred": "Portuguese",

            "LastName": "da Silva",

            "OperationType": "Agent",

            "PayModeCode": "D",

            "PaymentCurrencyCode": "BRL",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150019,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "RegulatoryID": "343345454",

            "SequenceNumber": 1,

            "ShareRate": 0.8



    "PolicyCustomerList": [


            "AcceptSms": "Y",

            "Address": "Rua Samuel Morse",

            "AddressComplement": "cj 92",

            "AddressNumber": "120",

            "BusinessObjectId": 1000000290,

            "City": "Sâo Paulo",

            "ConsentData": "N",

            "ConsentEmail": "N",

            "CustomerName": "Nsln",

            "CustomerType": "IndiCustomer",

            "DateOfBirth": "1988-10-01",

            "Email": "[email protected]",

            "IdNo": "84731511194",

            "IdType": "1",

            "IsBeneficiary": "N",

            "IsInsured": "N",

            "IsOrgParty": "",

            "IsPep": "Y",

            "IsPolicyHolder": "N",

            "Mobile": "11999990000",

            "MonthlyIncome": 1500,

            "NoInfMonthlyIncome": "N",

            "NoInfOccupation": "Y",

            "NoInfResource": "N",

            "OccupationCode": "01",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150020,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "PostCode": "04576060",

            "RGIssueBody": "01",

            "RGIssueDate": "1988-10-01",

            "RGNo": "9999999999",

            "Resource": "1",

            "SequenceNumber": 1,

            "State": "SP",

            "Suburb": "Cidade Monções",

            "Telephone": "1149552530"



            "AcceptSms": "Y",

            "Address": "Rua Samuel Morse",

            "AddressComplement": "cj 92",

            "AddressNumber": "120",

            "BusinessObjectId": 1000000290,

            "City": "Sâo Paulo",

            "ConsentData": "N",

            "ConsentEmail": "N",

            "CustomerName": "NN",

            "CustomerType": "IndiCustomer",

            "DateOfBirth": "1988-10-01",

            "Email": "[email protected]",

            "IdNo": "73222788103",

            "IdType": "1",

            "IsBeneficiary": "N",

            "IsInsured": "N",

            "IsOrgParty": "",

            "IsPep": "N",

            "IsPolicyHolder": "N",

            "Mobile": "11985658429",

            "MonthlyIncome": 2050,

            "NoInfMonthlyIncome": "N",

            "NoInfOccupation": "Y",

            "NoInfResource": "N",

            "OccupationCode": "01",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150021,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "PostCode": "04576060",

            "RGIssueBody": "01",

            "RGIssueDate": "1988-10-01",

            "RGNo": "999999999",

            "Resource": "1",

            "SequenceNumber": 2,

            "State": "SP",

            "Suburb": "Cidade Monções",

            "Telephone": "1140022530"



    "PolicyElementId": 217150018,

    "PolicyEnrollmentList": [


            "AgentCode": "PTY999999901",

            "BusinessObjectId": 502256328,

            "Commission": 16.67,

            "CommissionLocal": 16.67,

            "CommissionType": "2",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150022,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Rate": 0.05,

            "SequenceNumber": 1



            "AgentCode": "PTY999999911",

            "BusinessObjectId": 502256328,

            "Commission": 33.33,

            "CommissionLocal": 33.33,

            "CommissionType": "2",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150023,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Rate": 0.1,

            "SequenceNumber": 2



    "PolicyId": 217150018,

    "PolicyLobList": [


            "AcquisitionModeList": [


                    "BusinessObjectId": 505322213,

                    "PayModeCode": "3",

                    "PolicyElementId": 217150025,

                    "PolicyId": 217150018,

                    "PolicyStatus": 2,

                    "SequenceNumber": 1



            "AdjustedPremium": 333.3,

            "BeforeVatPremium": 333.3,

            "BusinessObjectId": 504831932,

            "Commission": 126.65,

            "DuePremium": 333.3,

            "GrossPremium": 333.3,

            "LocalList": [


                    "Address": "Rua Antonio Alvaro",

                    "AddressComplement": "ap 11",

                    "AddressNumber": "2563",

                    "BusinessObjectId": 504879612,

                    "City": "Santos",

                    "PolicyElementId": 217150026,

                    "PolicyId": 217150018,

                    "PolicyStatus": 2,

                    "PostCode": "09500100",

                    "ProductElementCode": "LOCAL",

                    "SeqNumber": "000001",

                    "SequenceNumber": 1,

                    "State": "SP",

                    "Suburb": "Jurubatuba"



                    "Address": "Rua Samuel Morse",

                    "AddressComplement": "cj 92",

                    "AddressNumber": "120",

                    "BusinessObjectId": 504879612,

                    "City": "Sâo Paulo",

                    "PolicyElementId": 217150027,

                    "PolicyId": 217150018,

                    "PolicyStatus": 2,

                    "PostCode": "04576060",

                    "ProductElementCode": "LOCAL",

                    "SeqNumber": "000002",

                    "SequenceNumber": 2,

                    "State": "SP",

                    "Suburb": "Cidade Monções"



            "PolicyElementId": 217150024,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyRiskList": [


                    "ActivityCode": "662007",

                    "AdjustedPremium": 333.3,

                    "Age": 6,

                    "BeforeVatPremium": 333.3,

                    "BeneficiaryList": [


                            "BenefClient": "N",

                            "BusinessObjectId": 505298008,

                            "IdNo": "51697455166",

                            "IdType": "1",

                            "Name": "Francisco Lucca Fogaça",

                            "PartyType": "I",

                            "PolicyElementId": 217150029,

                            "PolicyId": 217150018,

                            "PolicyStatus": 2,

                            "SequenceNumber": 1



                    "BonusClass": "0",

                    "BusinessObjectId": 504879620,

                    "ChassisNo": "123456aa",

                    "ClauseFactor": 0.3,

                    "Commission": 126.65,

                    "ConstructionType": "36",

                    "DuePremium": 333.3,

                    "Enquadramento": "624",

                    "GrossPremium": 333.3,

                    "InsuredItemClaim": "N",

                    "InsuredItemNew": "N",

                    "ItemDesc": "TRATOR - 4100 REBOCADOR GLP",

                    "ItemId": 102,

                    "LocalSeqNumber": "000001",

                    "ModelYear": "2016",

                    "PolicyCoverageList": [


                            "AdjustedPremium": 333.3,

                            "BaseRate": 0.003,

                            "BeforeVatPremium": 333.3,

                            "BusinessObjectId": 504879625,

                            "Commission": 126.65,

                            "DeductibleId": 0,

                            "DeductibleRate": 1,

                            "DeductibleText": "10% Sobre os Prejuizos, com o Minimo de R$ 1.300,00",

                            "DuePremium": 333.3,

                            "GrossPremium": 333.3,

                            "IsFinalLevelCt": "Y",

                            "IsMainCoverage": "Y",

                            "LOBCode": "30",

                            "POIRate": 1,

                            "PolicyElementId": 217150030,

                            "PolicyId": 217150018,

                            "PolicyStatus": 2,

                            "PremiumRate": 0.003,

                            "ProductElementCode": "130",

                            "ProductElementId": 504885284,

                            "SequenceNumber": 1,

                            "SumInsured": 50000,

                            "TecDiscLoad": 0,

                            "Vat": 0,

                            "VatRate": 0



                    "PolicyElementId": 217150028,

                    "PolicyFormList": [


                            "BusinessObjectId": 504879630,

                            "IsFinalLevelCt": "Y",

                            "LOBCode": "30",

                            "PolicyElementId": 217150031,

                            "PolicyId": 217150018,

                            "PolicyStatus": 2,

                            "ProductElementCode": "0020",

                            "ProductElementId": 504885320,

                            "SequenceNumber": 1



                    "PolicyId": 217150018,

                    "PolicyStatus": 2,

                    "ProductElementCode": "R10065",

                    "ProductElementId": 504885282,

                    "SeqNumber": "000001",

                    "SequenceNumber": 1,

                    "SerialNo": "111a",

                    "SumInsured": 50000,

                    "TypeOperation": 1,

                    "Vat": 0



            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "ProductCode": "P130",

            "ProductElementCode": "P130",

            "ProductElementId": 504738924,

            "ProductId": 504738923,

            "ProductLobId": 504738924,

            "SequenceNumber": 1,

            "SumInsured": 50000,

            "TechProductCode": "TRURAL",

            "TechProductId": 504738822,

            "Vat": 0



    "PolicyPaymentInfoList": [


            "AccountHolderIdNo": "12345",

            "AccountHolderName": "Teste HDI Transmissão",

            "AccountNo": "021121221",

            "BankBranch": "1234",

            "BankCode": "341",

            "BusinessObjectId": 520259,

            "ExpiryDate": "2023-02-01",

            "FirstInstallmentDate": "2022-02-01",

            "InstallmentList": [


                    "BeforeVatPremium": 55.55,

                    "BeforeVatPremiumLocal": 55.55,

                    "BusinessObjectId": 200001394,

                    "Commission": 21.1,

                    "CommissionLocal": 21.1,

                    "DuePremium": 55.55,

                    "FeeSeq": 1,

                    "InstallmentAmount": 55.55,

                    "InstallmentAmountLocal": 55.55,

                    "InstallmentDate": "2022-02-01",

                    "InstallmentPeriodSeq": 1,

                    "PolicyElementId": 217150038,

                    "PolicyId": 217150018,

                    "PolicyStatus": 2,

                    "PremiumInterest": 0,

                    "PremiumInterestLocal": 0,

                    "Presentation": "1 X",

                    "SequenceNumber": 1,

                    "TaxInterest": 0,

                    "TaxInterestLocal": 0,

                    "TotalInterest": 0,

                    "TotalInterestLocal": 0,

                    "Vat": 0,

                    "VatLocal": 0



                    "BeforeVatPremium": 55.55,

                    "BeforeVatPremiumLocal": 55.55,

                    "BusinessObjectId": 200001394,

                    "Commission": 21.11,

                    "CommissionLocal": 21.11,

                    "DuePremium": 55.55,

                    "FeeSeq": 1,

                    "InstallmentAmount": 55.55,

                    "InstallmentAmountLocal": 55.55,

                    "InstallmentDate": "2022-03-01",

                    "InstallmentPeriodSeq": 2,

                    "PolicyElementId": 217150039,

                    "PolicyId": 217150018,

                    "PolicyStatus": 2,

                    "PremiumInterest": 0,

                    "PremiumInterestLocal": 0,

                    "Presentation": "2 X",

                    "SequenceNumber": 2,

                    "TaxInterest": 0,

                    "TaxInterestLocal": 0,

                    "TotalInterest": 0,

                    "TotalInterestLocal": 0,

                    "Vat": 0,

                    "VatLocal": 0



                    "BeforeVatPremium": 55.55,

                    "BeforeVatPremiumLocal": 55.55,

                    "BusinessObjectId": 200001394,

                    "Commission": 21.11,

                    "CommissionLocal": 21.11,

                    "DuePremium": 55.55,

                    "FeeSeq": 1,

                    "InstallmentAmount": 55.55,

                    "InstallmentAmountLocal": 55.55,

                    "InstallmentDate": "2022-04-01",

                    "InstallmentPeriodSeq": 3,

                    "PolicyElementId": 217150040,

                    "PolicyId": 217150018,

                    "PolicyStatus": 2,

                    "PremiumInterest": 0,

                    "PremiumInterestLocal": 0,

                    "Presentation": "3 X",

                    "SequenceNumber": 3,

                    "TaxInterest": 0,

                    "TaxInterestLocal": 0,

                    "TotalInterest": 0,

                    "TotalInterestLocal": 0,

                    "Vat": 0,

                    "VatLocal": 0



                    "BeforeVatPremium": 55.55,

                    "BeforeVatPremiumLocal": 55.55,

                    "BusinessObjectId": 200001394,

                    "Commission": 21.11,

                    "CommissionLocal": 21.11,

                    "DuePremium": 55.55,

                    "FeeSeq": 1,

                    "InstallmentAmount": 55.55,

                    "InstallmentAmountLocal": 55.55,

                    "InstallmentDate": "2022-05-01",

                    "InstallmentPeriodSeq": 4,

                    "PolicyElementId": 217150041,

                    "PolicyId": 217150018,

                    "PolicyStatus": 2,

                    "PremiumInterest": 0,

                    "PremiumInterestLocal": 0,

                    "Presentation": "4 X",

                    "SequenceNumber": 4,

                    "TaxInterest": 0,

                    "TaxInterestLocal": 0,

                    "TotalInterest": 0,

                    "TotalInterestLocal": 0,

                    "Vat": 0,

                    "VatLocal": 0



                    "BeforeVatPremium": 55.55,

                    "BeforeVatPremiumLocal": 55.55,

                    "BusinessObjectId": 200001394,

                    "Commission": 21.11,

                    "CommissionLocal": 21.11,

                    "DuePremium": 55.55,

                    "FeeSeq": 1,

                    "InstallmentAmount": 55.55,

                    "InstallmentAmountLocal": 55.55,

                    "InstallmentDate": "2022-06-01",

                    "InstallmentPeriodSeq": 5,

                    "PolicyElementId": 217150042,

                    "PolicyId": 217150018,

                    "PolicyStatus": 2,

                    "PremiumInterest": 0,

                    "PremiumInterestLocal": 0,

                    "Presentation": "5 X",

                    "SequenceNumber": 5,

                    "TaxInterest": 0,

                    "TaxInterestLocal": 0,

                    "TotalInterest": 0,

                    "TotalInterestLocal": 0,

                    "Vat": 0,

                    "VatLocal": 0



                    "BeforeVatPremium": 55.55,

                    "BeforeVatPremiumLocal": 55.55,

                    "BusinessObjectId": 200001394,

                    "Commission": 21.11,

                    "CommissionLocal": 21.11,

                    "DuePremium": 55.55,

                    "FeeSeq": 1,

                    "InstallmentAmount": 55.55,

                    "InstallmentAmountLocal": 55.55,

                    "InstallmentDate": "2022-07-01",

                    "InstallmentPeriodSeq": 6,

                    "PolicyElementId": 217150043,

                    "PolicyId": 217150018,

                    "PolicyStatus": 2,

                    "PremiumInterest": 0,

                    "PremiumInterestLocal": 0,

                    "Presentation": "6 X",

                    "SequenceNumber": 6,

                    "TaxInterest": 0,

                    "TaxInterestLocal": 0,

                    "TotalInterest": 0,

                    "TotalInterestLocal": 0,

                    "Vat": 0,

                    "VatLocal": 0



            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 6,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "IsInstallment": "Y",

            "PayModeCode": "D",

            "PayModeName": "Débito em conta",

            "PayRate": 1,

            "PaymentType": "6",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150032,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "SequenceNumber": 1



    "PolicyPaymentPlanList": [


            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 1,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "D",

            "PayModeName": "Débito em conta",

            "PaymentType": "5",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150060,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "1 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 1,

            "TotalPremium1st": 0,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 333.3



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 2,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "D",

            "PayModeName": "Débito em conta",

            "PaymentType": "5",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150061,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "2 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 2,

            "TotalPremium1st": 166.65,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 166.65



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 3,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "D",

            "PayModeName": "Débito em conta",

            "PaymentType": "5",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150062,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "3 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 3,

            "TotalPremium1st": 111.1,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 111.1



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 4,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "D",

            "PayModeName": "Débito em conta",

            "PaymentType": "5",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150063,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "4 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 4,

            "TotalPremium1st": 83.31,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 83.33



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 5,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "D",

            "PayModeName": "Débito em conta",

            "PaymentType": "5",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150064,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "5 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 5,

            "TotalPremium1st": 70.01,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 69.99



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 6,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "D",

            "PayModeName": "Débito em conta",

            "PaymentType": "5",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150065,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "6 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 6,

            "TotalPremium1st": 59.05,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 59.03



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 7,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "D",

            "PayModeName": "Débito em conta",

            "PaymentType": "5",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150066,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "7 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 7,

            "TotalPremium1st": 51.24,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 51.21



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 1,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "R",

            "PayModeName": "Carnê",

            "PaymentType": "6",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150067,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "á Vista",

            "SequenceNumber": 8,

            "TotalPremium1st": 0,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 333.3



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 2,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "R",

            "PayModeName": "Carnê",

            "PaymentType": "6",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150068,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "2 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 9,

            "TotalPremium1st": 166.65,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 166.65



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 3,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "R",

            "PayModeName": "Carnê",

            "PaymentType": "6",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150069,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "3 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 10,

            "TotalPremium1st": 111.1,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 111.1



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 4,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "R",

            "PayModeName": "Carnê",

            "PaymentType": "6",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150070,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "4 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 11,

            "TotalPremium1st": 83.31,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 83.33



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 5,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "R",

            "PayModeName": "Carnê",

            "PaymentType": "6",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150071,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "5 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 12,

            "TotalPremium1st": 70.01,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 69.99



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 6,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "R",

            "PayModeName": "Carnê",

            "PaymentType": "6",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150072,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "6 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 13,

            "TotalPremium1st": 59.05,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 59.03



            "BusinessObjectId": 505331844,

            "InstallmentPeriodCount": 7,

            "InstallmentType": "-1",

            "PayModeCode": "R",

            "PayModeName": "Carnê",

            "PaymentType": "6",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150073,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Presentation": "7 X",

            "SequenceNumber": 14,

            "TotalPremium1st": 51.24,

            "TotalPremiumOther": 51.21



    "PolicyProLaboreList": [


            "AgentCode": "PTY999999901",

            "BusinessObjectId": 502256333,

            "Commission": 6.67,

            "CommissionLocal": 6.67,

            "CommissionType": "3",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150033,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Rate": 0.02,

            "SequenceNumber": 1



            "AgentCode": "PTY999999911",

            "BusinessObjectId": 502256333,

            "Commission": 3.33,

            "CommissionLocal": 3.33,

            "CommissionType": "3",

            "PolicyElementId": 217150034,

            "PolicyId": 217150018,

            "PolicyStatus": 2,

            "Rate": 0.01,

            "SequenceNumber": 2



    "PolicyStatus": 1,

    "PolicyType": "1",

    "PremCalcFactorHash": "20220323015515,8v6RO6khZJIvt71HNTHF/zFzi0nplL98Dv9Mwlr0v5k=",

    "PremCalcResultHash": "20220323015515,UAqL4puS5gLzzbjSMfjYasEPD2YkrynFlkYbNb/AW0c=",

    "PremiumBookExchangeRate": 1,

    "PremiumCurrencyCode": "BRL",

    "PremiumInterest": 0,

    "PreviousInsurerNo": "01",
