How can I skip test at collection level for a specific request?

I have this simple test at collection level

tests["Status code is 200"] = responseCode.code === 200;

It will work perfectly for every request on the collection except for negative tests (400/403/404 http code response).

So ideally, at request Get Acommodation Type - 403 level I would like to write following test:

tests["Status code is 200"] = responseCode.code === 403;

Is this somehow possible? Thank you

Hey @nifepo

Welcome to the Postman community! :trophy:

This kinda sounds like a question that’s been asked before - Would this solution help you to get closer to what you need:

Hello, it helped but didn’t solve it. I couldn’t find a direct way of skilling a collection level test.

However, it made me think that I can do an if statement to expect 200 to every request that:

  • Has Prefer header with code=400


Can you help me to write this test?

pm.test(“Prefer header is present”, function () {"Prefer")

});“Prefer”) -------------> It correctly validate the header exists, but I also need to validate the REQUEST header VALUE.

Any idea how to write it correctly?


I will add below code as an IF statement at collection level.

pm.test(“Prefer header is present”, function () {"Prefer", "code=400")
