Hi, how to validation endpoint is corret

Hi, I’m Ridhwan

I just learned API testing with postman. and I want to make a test script to validate endpoint is correct. For example:

I have an endpoint: http://qa-interview.srcli.xyz/ and there’s 2 request: POST and GET
how I made a test script to validate the request is correct?

Best Regards
Thank you

Hey @mrdhwnkml

Welcome to the Postman community! :rocket:

Could you include an example of the response body, please? This will help to narrow down what type of things you’re looking to test/check.

What does correct mean to you?

  • Is it the response code?
  • The response timings?
  • Certain headers?
  • Ensuring that specific data is in the request body?
  • The whole response body?
  • Parts of the response body?

Hi @danny-dainton,

thank you for the welcome.

ok, for example I have endpoint like this : https://qa-interview.srcli.xyz/login

and response body is:

<form action="/login" method="post">
 Username:<input type="text" name="username">
 Password:<input type="password" name="password"> 
<input type="submit" value="Login">    

and I want to make a script test for:

GET: if:

 * already logged in: Returns the 3XX redirect to /
 * not logged in: Displays a login form with a username & password

POST: if:

 * already logged in: Returns the 3XX redirect to /
 * not logged in: - Returns a 3XX redirect to / if the username & password combination is valid user data and the session_id cookie is set

username and password : (root:root123)

Thank You.