gRPC : What is the correct format to pass multiple data in same message?

I have one request for which I want to run with different set of data time each time
How to pass different set of data in Message for same request

“data”: “SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=”,
“fileName”: “Sanity_FS”,
“namespace”: “fseth”,
“topic”: “fsdata”

“data”: “SG93IGFyZSB5b3UgZG9pbmc=”,
“fileName”: “Sanity_FS”,
“namespace”: “fseth”,
“topic”: “fsdata”
“data”: “VG9kYXkgaXMgbmljZSBkYXk=”,
“fileName”: “Sanity_FS”,
“namespace”: “fseth”,
“topic”: “fsdata”

Screenshot attached


The right way is to use Postman collection runner using the data files, but gRPC requests can’t be executed using runner yet. We are tracking this feature request here: Run collection containing gRPC Requests · Issue #11583 · postmanlabs/postman-app-support · GitHub.

As a workaround, you can add all the outgoing payloads commented (cmd + /) and manually comment/uncomment the required payload.

Thank You @udit for the update

  1. Is there any payload size limit we can send/receive using postman for gRPC Client & Server streaming ?
  2. Also my payload content is lengthy spreading across many lines, so I want to store it in separate file as e.g. Data.json and use this while sending request, is this possible & how I can do it, can you suggest ?

There’s no limit on the outgoing payload, and the incoming payload limit (10 MB) is configurable via the request “Settings” tab.

Sending a data file is not supported right now, is your use case similar to this: Add support for gRPC client streaming from a file · Issue #11287 · postmanlabs/postman-app-support · GitHub?