Getting the latest Faker - 8.x.x

Good day, I’ve successfully implemented the solution found on this forum, but would like to use the latest version of the new “Official” faker.

  1. Faker’s been pulled into postman, but what version?
  2. The below, somewhat hacky implementation works, but any plans to integrate the latest?
  3. If not, do I need to set up a similar CDN or bitbucket solution?
//This Pre-request script works


// Initialize window object
window = {};

// Send request to load external library
pm.sendRequest(EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_URL, (error, response) => {
    if (error || response.code !== 200) {
        console.log('Could not load external library');
    // Evaluate the external library

    // Wait for the evaluation to complete before using faker
    setTimeout(() => {
        // Randomly select a zip code
        const pmZipCode = window.faker.address.zipCode();

        // Set the collection variable
        pm.collectionVariables.set(COLLECTION_VARIABLE_ZIP_CODE, pmZipCode);

Hey @Patrick.Crawford :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

The version it’s pulling in, is within the CDN URL

Which would be coming from this service:

It looks like that only goes to version 6.6.6 so if you were looking for a version 8.x.x, you could try using this one?

I don’t believe that would be a straight swap out though given that it’s 5 major versions ahead of the one you have.

@danny-dainton Thanks! Updated to ES6 and works like a charm so far. For anyone else, here’s the working POC.


// Initialize window object
let window = {};

// Send request to load external library
pm.sendRequest(EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_URL, async (error, response) => {
    if (error || response.code !== 200) {
        console.log('Could not load external library');
    try {
        // Evaluate the external library
        const { text } = response;
        const fakerModule = await import(`data:text/javascript;base64,${btoa(text)}`);
        window.faker = fakerModule.default || fakerModule;
        // Wait for the evaluation to complete before using faker
        setTimeout(() => {
            // Randomly select a zip code
            const pmZipCode = window.faker.location.zipCode();
            // Set the collection variable
            pm.collectionVariables.set(COLLECTION_VARIABLE_ZIP_CODE, pmZipCode);
    } catch (err) {
        console.error('Error loading external library:', err);
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