For loop not working in a collection run against a JSON data file

This is my test data (saved as numbers.json ):

    "numbers": 1422.39
    "numbers": 429.01

I ran this test in the Postman Runner.

My code is:

const jsonData = pm.response.json();
for (let i=0; i < jsonData.length; i++)
    console.log("Response " + [i] + " data = " + data["numbers"]);

The output looks like this:

Output results

And if I use the code:

console.log("Response " + [i] + " data = " + data[i].numbers);

Then I will get this error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'numbers' of undefined

My responseBody is (same as the data file - it is a copy, to test it works):

    "numbers": 1422.39
    "numbers": 429.01

Now I know that when I run my other tests, and using data.numbers[0].line1 it works.


    "line1": 1357
    "line1": 2468

Hi @kev-ross2,

I am not sure where your code is loading the variable called data from, as this variable isnโ€™t defined in your snippet. (Itโ€™s obviously loading something from somewhere, hence itโ€™s still managing to display values in some scenarios)

If youโ€™re trying to read the numbers from your response json, then I think you want to change your log statement to say:

console.log("Response " + [i] + " data = " + jsonData[i]["numbers"]);

Thank you for your response @neilstudd,

data is used for when I run the collection runner and I call my numbers.json file (as referenced at the top of my question), which I have stored on my computer.

My actual:

for (let i = 0; i <= jsonData.length; i++)
    // 1st tests
    pm.test("expected line1 = " + (data["line1"]) + " | Actual line1 = " + (jsonData[i].line1), function () {

This then returns:

iteration 1 = expected line1 = 1357 | Actual line1 = 1357
iteration 1 = expected line1 = 1357 | Actual line1 = 2468
iteration 2 = expected line1 = 2468 | Actual line1 = 1357
iteration 2 = expected line1 = 2468 | Actual line1 = 2468

So i am just really confused.