I’m tying to test a project of mine with postman’s mqtt request
but when I’m tying to subscribe to a topic i get the error message : “An error occurred: Invalid subscriptionIdentifier: undefined” and then it disconnects from the broker
when I don’t try to subscribe it doesn’t throw any errors
after check the issue only occurs in the windows client
I’m having the same issue after updating the latest version. Connecting with no topic is fine but specifying any topic causes the error.
Version - 10.23.8
UI version - 10.23.8-ui-240226-0504
Desktop platform version - 10.23.5
Architecture - x64
OS platform - win32 10.0.19041
I have the same problem
I have the same problem!
same issue here any hope somebody can answer?
I found a properties which was not needed to be filled until today (Subscription identifier).
Now once trying to connect it report “An error occurred: Invalid userProperties: undefined”
The issue is clearly on Postman there is no issue on broker’s log even on verbose mode
Hi all! Thanks for flagging this issue. We’re working on a fix and should have it for you soon. Will keep y’all updated.
Quick question, @cmorelle could you share a screenshot of the topic you’re trying to subscribe to and with the topic options menu (three dots in the topic row) open?
I also added a video of the test process. As you can see, as long I don’t subscribe to any topics, all good. On the same time, I could save you the verbose log of the broker, but apart saying Postman is disconnecting, there is no issue when he try to subscribe to any of those topics.
I can give you credentials if you want to test our broker, but other MQTT client are working like a charm. This is really a recent update of Postman who changed the behavior of Postman’s MQTT client
Perfect thanks for sending this over! Just wanted to confirm the error. We’ve found the issue and are working to have the fix released soon. One temporary workaround if you’re able to is to use the Postman for Web App until the fix is released. Sorry about this issue and thanks again to everyone in this thread for flagging it!
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