Elavon Hosted Payments Page Request Token

What is the proper way to configure POSTMAN to make a successful https request to Elavon’s “Converge” API? Elavon help desk is not familiar with POSTMAN. They have PHP code snippets only, and I don’t use PHP in my app, so that makes my task more difficult. I don’t even know where to put those PHP snippets in POSTMAN so I can test them, plus I don’t know what they do.

I have Postman installed on the same server as where my app is going to issue requests from, and I have a developer account already set up at Elavon… so that is not the problem. Here is the info sent to me by Elavon. The credential values have been withheld for security reasons, but hopefully this will be enough to help you help me.

Integration Methods:


API Credentials (integration use only)

                            ssl_merchant_id:   (withheld... it's an integer)

                            ssl_user_id: (withheld... it's a common phrase)

                            ssl_pin:  (withheld... it's a really long alphanumeric string)

I add these name value pairs to the Headers, but I don’t know if that is correct. Maybe I need to add them somewhere else? If so, where and how? I don’t know what the “Authentication” settings shd be.

If I issue a GET, a “Method not allowed” error is returned.
If I issue a POST, a “Bad request” error is returned.

My goal is to have a “Buy Now” button on my web app, that will take the user to the Elavon hosted payments page, and the fields on the Hosted payments page will be prepopulated with the product description, price, tax, etc. But I think the first step is I have to get a session token.

It wd be super helpful if there was a POSTMAN collection, that contained all the Elavon API calls, but I can’t find one in the POSTMAN collection gallery.

Here’s the info I was sent on how to do this.



Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

It turns out that Elavon developer help does indeed have Postman request templates. You have to ask for them from the the help team. They are not part of the on-line documentation. Here is the template for getting a token.

"info": {
	"_postman_id": "95a1529d-5dd5-4714-9a28-823f4c363fd3",
	"name": "transactionToken",
	"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json"
"item": [
		"name": "Transaction Token",
		"request": {
			"method": "POST",
			"header": [
					"key": "Content-Type",
					"name": "Content-Type",
					"value": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
					"type": "text"
			"body": {
				"mode": "urlencoded",
				"urlencoded": [
						"key": "ssl_merchant_id",
						"value": "",
						"type": "text"
						"key": "ssl_user_id",
						"value": "",
						"type": "text"
						"key": "ssl_pin",
						"value": "",
						"type": "text"
						"key": "ssl_transaction_type",
						"value": "ccsale",
						"type": "text"
						"key": "ssl_amount",
						"value": "1.00",
						"type": "text"
			"url": {
				"raw": "https://demo.convergepay.com/hosted-payments/transaction_token",
				"protocol": "https",
				"host": [
				"path": [
		"response": []
"protocolProfileBehavior": {}


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