My question:
I have a large test collection in Postman. I want a pre-request script to be run at the Collection level, but there are specific requests in the collection where I’d like the pre-request script not to run.
Does anybody know how I can run the the pre-request script for certain tests.
like this:
test 1 run pre request script
test 2 not run pre request script
test 3 not run pre request script
test 4 run pre request script
test 5 not run pre request script
test 6 not run pre request script
test 7 run pre request script
test 8 not run pre request script
test 9 not run pre request script
At this moment I have the pre request script on a test level: in test 1, 4 and 7 etc… but if I need to update the script I need to update it on a lot of places, and that can leads to mistakes.
Any help would be great!