I cannot finish the test on 2 falure; Assertion Error and Type Error. Is there any part to be checked? (Other 3 test has been passed)
FAIL Requests added | AssertionError: check number of requests: expected undefined to equal 3
FAIL Auth helper added | TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘auth’)|Fix test
Hey @kojihorikawa
Welcome to the Postman Community!
A couple of things, it’s awesome that youre using Postman Vault for your CollectionID but you really should also have that API Key stored in the Vaual and not hardcoded like that.
As it’s returning it as undefined it’s likely that you have incorrectly named the requests or that the structure to the requests is incorrect.
Can you show an image of your Day 4 Collection and the requests within that, please?
@danny-dainton Thank you for your quick response! Are these screen-shots enough for you to check the error?
Those are the submit request images, you haven’t changed anything in those. That are only used to check the solution - all the assertions in there related to things that you done as part of the days task
I’d need to see the requests that you have added as part of the task. Need to ensure that the names that you have given them match to the names in the assertions.