Custom Error messages


I have done a Google, but cannot find a specific answer to my question. I am using PM.TEST to do includes / etx.

As the includes scans all text on the page the error message is not clear (as it provides all text before the lookup term).

Is there any way to add a custom message onto:

pm.test("Confirm Expected User Details are on Page : Title", function(){

    // On Fail (error"Mr was not found in the source returned"


pm.test("Confirm Expected User Details are on Page : Married / Unmarried", function(){

    const responseText = pm.response.text();

    const hasItemDetails = (responseText.includes('Married') || responseText.includes('UnMarried'));    

   // Error("Marriage Information not present in source")


Not the information does not come back in JSON but HTML.

Looking to replace // with proper code


Hey @JBird20 ,

Welcome to the community :clap:

You can review this document. The assertion message should be in the second parameter.

   pm.test("Confirm Expected User Details are on Page : Married / Unmarried", function(){

    const responseText = pm.response.text();

    const hasItemDetails = (responseText.includes('Married') || responseText.includes('UnMarried'));    

    pm.expect(hasItemDetails, "Marriage Information not present in source");
