Thank you so much for your answer. The explanation is pretty clear. Since my knowledge is not enough to execute all these advices I will ask more help and I will try to be more clear.
As you mentioned, these arrays are going to be extracted from 2 different requests and the array s will be compared to find out the the second request array has but first request array has not.
1- Here is the my 1. request :
"avg30_SALES_gte": 1,
"avg30_SALES_lte": 10000,
"buyBoxSellerId": [
"current_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte": 0,
"sort": [
"productType": [
"perPage": 300,
"page": 0
1. request response
"timestamp": 1647990090084,
"tokensLeft": 258,
"refillIn": 27274,
"refillRate": 5,
"tokenFlowReduction": 0.9150000354275107,
"tokensConsumed": 10,
"processingTimeInMs": 145,
"asinList": [
"totalResults": 27
Here is my 2. request :
"avg30_SALES_gte": 1,
"avg30_SALES_lte": 10000,
"buyBoxSellerId": [
"current_BUY_BOX_SHIPPING_gte": 0,
"sort": [
"productType": [
"perPage": 300,
"page": 0
2. request response
"timestamp": 1647990394924,
"tokensLeft": 258,
"refillIn": 23149,
"refillRate": 5,
"tokenFlowReduction": 0.9150000354275107,
"tokensConsumed": 10,
"processingTimeInMs": 441,
"asinList": [
"totalResults": 31
Lastly I have tried to create a variable for the first response but I was not able to get only array “asinList” and not able to recall the variable in the second request.
The test I used is :
let response = pm.response.json(),
savedData = JSON.stringify(response);
pm.collectionVariables.set("savedData", savedData);
My plan is :
1- Running the first request every day and getting dynamic array daily. After that running the second request by testing the different values in “asinList” array that request 2 has but request 1 hasn’t.
Note : 1. and 2. requests are identical. Response data is changing depending on request running time.
Thank you again.
Please let me know if you need other info.