Hello, I’m trying to create tests that check if certain names are included in the html response:
<div class="hour-entry">
<div class="entry-header" >
<div class="name"><span class="name-text">PlenaryPostmanEntry</span> <span class="icon-container"><span class="icon icon-arr-down"></span></span></div>
<div class="room">00:00, Room: plenary</div>
<div class="entry-body" >
<div class="entry-participants">
<div class="entry-participant">
<div class="type">Speaker:</div>
<div class="names">
<div class="name">
<span class="fullname"><a href="">Denis Second</a>, </span>
<span class="organization-name"><a href="">Something</a></span>
<div class="entry-participant">
<div class="type">Moderator:</div>
<div class="names">
<div class="name">
<span class="fullname"><a href="">Roberto Robertson</a>, </span>
<span class="organization-name"><a href="">Something</a></span>
So, this is a short snippet, I’m trying to target the - div class - hour-entry, however I’m not sure if this is the best method.
$( "div[class='hour-entry']" ).text();
and then, somehow compare if the names are correct - using an array with the names, probably loop them to search for each name?
However, one hour-entry has 6 people in it, but there are also 6 hour-entries, so …cheerio is very confusing is my current thinking Each hour-entry has a span class that has a different name each time, which I could probably also use to target the class name?
<span class="name-text">PlenaryPostmanEntry</span>
Anyway, I’m actually needing an advice on how to approach this.
Even a short explanation on how to target something inside the hour-entry, perhaps the span class?
Also to note: I’m trying to check the content of each hour-entry separately, however I seem to be extracting the text for all instance of the hour-entry
So can I target the hour-entry while tagging the next div in it - entry-body and so on,
something like the pm.response.json().tag.tag.tag.tag.tag etc