(Jeffrey Cox)
September 3, 2019, 11:53am
I’m trying to test a response body schema with tv4.
My test scrip I’m using is:
var schema = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"Id": { "type": "string"},
"Progress": { "type": "string"},
"Status": { "type": "string"},
"Info": { "type" : "boolean"},
"Created": {"type": "string","format": "date-time"},
"Ended": {"type": "boolean"},
"Operation": {"type": "string"},
"Requested": {"type": "array",
"items" :{
"type": "string"
var user = JSON.parse(responseBody);
tests ["Success"] = tv4.validate(user, schema);
And the response body I get is:
"Id": "29b61d38-1353-4c7f-9e8a-9f115ddef37f",
"Progress": "Queued",
"Status": "InProgress",
"Info": null,
"Created": "2019-09-03T00:00:00",
"Ended": null,
"Operation": "CalculateHolidayRightsCommand",
"Requested": [
I’m getting a false error.
Hey @Coxjeffrey ,
I would recommend using Ajv over tv4, this also comes as part of the Postman app.
You can use this example to check your response against the schema:
var Ajv = require('ajv'),
ajv = new Ajv({ logger: console, allErrors: true }),
schema = {
pm.test('Schema is valid', function() {
pm.expect(ajv.validate(schema, pm.response.json()), JSON.stringify(ajv.errors));
Sample Json Schema
"body": ERROR: NOT FOUND: Valid,
"meta": {
"status": "success",
"message": "Valid"
I’m using the following codes and getting the error, can any one help me on this issue
var jsonData = JSON.response;
var Ajv = require(‘ajv’),
ajv = new Ajv({
logger: console,
allErrors: true
schema = {
"type": "Object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"body": {
"$body": "#/properties/body",
"type": "string"
"meta": {
"$body": "#/properties/meta",
"type": "array",
"status": {
"$body": "#/properties/meta/status",
"type": "string",
"message": {
"$body": "#/properties/meta/message",
"type": "string"
pm.test(‘Schema is valid’, function() {
pm.expect(ajv.validate(schema, jsonData), JSON.stringify(ajv.errors));
Error Message–
Error: schema is invalid: data.type should be equal to one of the allowed values, data.type should be array, data.type should match some schema in anyOf
Perhaps not strictly related question: what are the option if developers needs to reuse schema between different collections? Today we just copy and paste the same schema definition in each collection, is there a way to share it maybe as a environment variable?