Cannot connect to local network server


I am trying to connect to my Plex server running on a QNAP NAS on my network. When I run the request in Postman I get this error:

Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH - Local (

I have looked through the forum and cannot find anything related to my issue (there are lots of localhost queries but I’ve not seen anything about local network access).

This is the curl of my request

curl --location '<token>'

If I take the request from the curl and paste it into my browser it works fine and I get a response back.

I have turned off proxy settings in Postman and cannot see anything else obvious that would explain why it cannot see the server.

Is there anything else that I might be missing?! The fact that the error message mentions “- Local (” makes me wonder whether Postman isn’t actually sending the request to - but this is just a guess!

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Nevermind, my apologies - I clearly didn’t search well enough as I just found out what the problem was!

For reference it was a a network settings option in macOS. For some reason Postman wasn’t allowed network access (but all other apps in the list were fine!!)

Thanks to the post here - Testing my API, curl works but postman doesn't - #3 by orbital-module-cosm5

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