Auto Populate data from a response into an excel file

Hello Community,

I’m Running my Test as a Collection.
How can i convert this Test Results into Excel Sheet?

Hey @daiva001 :wave:

Could you provide more context about what you’re doing please? You have flows in the tags, are you running the Collection in a flow?

If you’re running that from the app in the Runner, you can currently one export the results to a JSON file, there are more than likely 3rd party tools that can convert that to a spreadsheet format though.

What kind of of data are you hoping the create and where would that be used?

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My requirement is
I have a 10 variable to pass into a Test so that i’m using Data Sets now i need these Response should auto Populate into a SpreadSheet or CSV File.
Can we achieve it?
or Should be Done by Postman CLI?


There isn’t any functionality within Postman that will allow you to programmatically write directly to a file on your file system. There are manual exports that will create a file (JSON) of the response for you to save to disk.

There have been various projects created that might help you by creating a local server and then making an async request, using the .sendRequest() feature, from with the Scripts sandbox.

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