Apple Music API - 401K Unauthorized

Do we have any samples using the Apple Music API? I am getting the following error on

401 Unauthorized
Similar to 403, but specifically for use when authentication is possible but has failed or not yet been provided. The response must include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource.

I am also having a hard time finding the json/oasis file definitions in a Apple Music API GitHub repo that I could load into Postman, and perhaps that would have the correct fields for authorization too . Running on Windows 11. desktop and web versions of Postman.


Apple Music API | Apple Developer Documentation

To make requests to the Apple Music API, you need to authorize yourself as a trusted developer and member of the Apple Developer Program. The header of every Apple Music API request requires a signed developer token.

Are you a member of the “Apple Developer Program”?

Yes I am, but am having a very heard time doing that on a Windows machine, it requires Certificates , etc on the Mac Side and using Swift to generate the signed developer token. Always points me to the Apple Music Kit and just want to use Apple Music API. Do you happen to have a good link on " The header of every Apple Music API request requires a signed developer token."

The link provided previously is the documentation from Apple.

All of the information is in there.

If you are having issues consuming that API, this is probably something you should raise on the Apple developer forums.

The same as any other forum though, you are going to have to explain what you’ve done so far, and specifics on the issue you are having.

I’m guessing that Apple expect the consumer of these API’s to have a good understanding of API’s and authentication so the documentation doesn’t go into minute detail.

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