Add `Origin` header to OAuth 2.0 flow

This question is related to the problem described in a following StackOverflow question: authentication - Getting access tokens from Postman: Tokens issued for the 'Single-Page Application' client-type may only be redeemed via cross-origin requests - Stack Overflow.

During OAuth 2.0 ā€œauthorization code with PKCEā€ grant, Azure AD requires Origin header to be present on the request to /token endpoint. If header is not present, authorization flow fails with the following error:

Error: AADSTS9002327: Tokens issued for the ā€˜Single-Page Applicationā€™
client-type may only be redeemed via cross-origin requests

Unfortunately, Postman is not adding this header to the flow, hence the request for a token fails.

Is there a way to add a custom header into the requests that are executed behind ā€œGet new access tokenā€ flow? I have tried adding headers to the request that the token is attached to, as well as ā€œpre-request scriptā€. Neither of these methods helped.


Any update on this? This is kind of urgent to test APIā€™s dependent on SPA

Having the same issue, since Microsoft forced PKCE now. Postman is no longer an option for our tests now

Same issue here ā€¦ please add some feature that we can add header information in the Authorization flow.

Surely if you use sendRequest() in a pre-request script, then you are in full control of what headers are sent.

This doesnā€™t work for PKCE. PKCE is a client-based flow which involves the use of a browser and redirects.

I have found a solution, hope this works for you:

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