30 Days of postman : Day 14 Oauth Couldn't complete authentication with Github

Browser says authentication complete but Postman is waiting for callback to be received.

Says to look at the console logs. Thats all I see.

Tried through browser and through postman App.
Postman app just says.

I wasn’t using the callback URL provided earlier in the instructions.
set the Call back Url to: https://oauth.pstmn.io/v1/browser-callback
and it proceeded.
Wasn’t clear to me that needed to be used again.

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Hi, I am also facing similar issue with Day 14 of 30 days of Postman. Though I am using the callback url.

I have couple of questions:

  • While Creating an OAuth App on GitHub, what value should I use for “Homepage URL”. Do I use localhost?
  • The browser says authentication complete but Postman is waiting for callback to be received. It eventually just times out. I am unsure of how to proceed. Here is the steps I am doing.

Appreciate any help on this.

Hi @redpenguin15 Probably not local host unless you are running a server at that address. You can use any URL, I used my linkedIn profile url just for test. Can try using anything accessible.
Give that a try and see how that goes for you.

Thank you! I was able to run it successfully.

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I am facing similar problem, but not able to resolve it. If anyone can help me figure out?

Hi @gckunjadiya Were you able to find any solution? I’m also facing the similar issue even after following all provided steps.

Try to authenticate via Postman web client instead desktop client, even though I was facing the same issue, I was able to authenticate successfully via web client, let me know if it works for you.