15 days of Postman for Testers - Submission Issue

I have completed 15 days of challenges. When I submit, I get mail like to check everything. I checked again and made changes. Still, I am getting the same mail. Could you please help me?

Hey @avionics-observer-14 :wave:

Welcome to the Postman community :postman:

What was the message that you received?

What was changed as a result of the message?

Can you share the URL of the Public Workspace where you have completed the challenge?

On Day 2, I deleted the feature-branch collection. So, I re-run the collection again.

Otherwise, I have 18 collections, API, environment, and mock server.

Workspace ID: e726c55b-2bf8-4ecb-baff-385fbab5aaa1

Workspace URL: Postman

Whats the message in the failure email you received?

Have you tried running the solutions for each of the days again to ensure that they individually pass.

Yes, I have re-run all the collections now and those were passed. If you require, I can send the screenshots of passed tests in the mail since all are saved in a Word document.

I submitted it again. I was getting the below mail.

You don’t have an API created in that Workspace:

Take a look at day 6 again

Thank you, Danny, for updating the description on Day 6. It is clear now and able to create API. I selected only the Postman Collection for importing.

I have earned the badge now :slight_smile:

I have been noticing a similar trend for that day from other users. It doesn’t become apparent that anything is wrong until the final submission. :grimacing:

The import flow has changed slightly since the courses were created and when I was walking through it, updating the description made sense.

I’m very happy to see that you now have your badge. :trophy:

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Thank you for your kind support :slight_smile:

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