Snowflake BUILD 2022 | Nov 15 (virtual)

Calling all developers, data engineers, and data scientists! Join us for a two-day virtual event packed with demos, AMAs, and hands-on labs created by builders, for builders. Immerse yourself in improving your apps, data pipelines, machine learning workflows, and more.

Snowflake Build 2022
NOVEMBER 15–16 | 10 AM – 3 PM PT

Building Apps with the Snowflake SQL REST API
Data and APIs lay the foundation for creating modern applications. The Snowflake SQL REST API can be used to build applications, automate administrative tasks, integrate custom plug-ins, and more. In this session, we cover the Snowflake SQL REST API and how to use it to build an IoT application from the ground up. We’ll also explore our API playground—and how you can use it to experiment in your own Snowflake environment.
with @jetison from Postman and Daniel Myers from Snowflake