Skill check is failing on time out

I was trying to run skill check today after primarily rerunning few times. But it kept on loading for 3 mins and then failed by giving “504 Gateway Time-out”. :sweat:

Please help me to get this issue fixed.

Also, similarly tried to upload my collection and test the same using next process which failed as well. Following are the steps I’ve followed to publish my Collection which is now available at public link - Postman

This is the same link which is configured in variable “your-collection-link-here”

Here’s the test collection response and error:

Hi @SkynetRest,

Welcome to the community! :clap:

Looks like your issues are two separate ones. To start with the first, when receiving a 504 Gateway error, that generally is an issue on the server end, not the client. If they followed the standard for HTTP codes (as most implementations do), this wouldnt be an issue you can fix on your end, and would be on the endpoint. It’s possible the service was down. To that point it needs to get resolved first.

As for your second issue, you can’t upload the collection using that URL, as that will return HTML, and not JSON.

I am not certain what you are trying to achieve, where do you want to upload the collection to?

If you want to import the collection into postman, which seems like you want to, you can use that import button at the top left hand corner.

If you want your collection to be available to you via a REST API, then you would use Postman’s own API, where you can interact with collections, environments, workspaces, monitors and mocks with a REST API.

I hope this helps!


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Hi @odanylewycz , Thanks for the reply, as you can in screen shot I was trying the last step for obtaining “Student Expert” which is where it was mentioned to put the url in that environment variable as mentioned. So, I want to know what exactly the process is to complete that stags as I can’t understand the same.

Hi @SkynetRest you don’t need to upload your collection to the Postman templates, you just need the collection link (from the collection Share option) as the address for the last request - however you won’t be able to complete your submission without the skill check request, once you complete it (when it’s back up and running) it will also return instructions on getting your collection link and popping it into that last request.

Hi, @suesmith thanks for your clarifications, I would be waiting for services to up and running.

OK I think we are back in business if you can try the skill check request again :crossed_fingers: plz give me a shout if the timeout issue recurs :sweat_smile:

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Thanks for the assistance @suesmith , I could able to submit my test result and collection request url successfully as mentioned in last step.

Skill checker complete!!!

You completed the skill checker! To complete your training, make sure all of your requests are saved, and in the collection on the left of Postman, open the overview > then click Share . Choose Get public link and generate or update your collection link (note that each time you make a change you need to update the link). Copy the address to your clipboard, then open the final folder in the collection 3. Check Status > open the Test Collection request, paste your collection link in as the request address, Send , and this time open the Test Results tab to see the status of your collection. Any failed tests will indicate parts of the collection you still need to complete. Once all of your tests pass— Save the request and send the collection link via this form (the Postman team will check your submission and award your student expert certification within a couple of weeks! :scroll::mortar_board:):

Changed method :white_check_mark:
Change the request method to POST, PUT, or DELETE.
Sent query parameter :white_check_mark:
Add ‘email’ as a query param, with your student training email address (personal, not your school email) as the value.
Added body data :white_check_mark:
Add JSON body data including a field name with the value as your name.
Authorized :white_check_mark:
Add API Key auth with the Key name auth_key and the name of your school as the value (add to the request header).
Set a variable :white_check_mark:
Add a new variable to the collection, naming it ‘myCourse’ and giving it the name of your course as the Current value. (Leave the other var in place.)
Added a script :white_check_mark:
Add a test script that gets the value of the rand property in the response JSON and sets itas the value of a variable (at collection or environment scope) named responseData. Hint: You’ll need to Send the request twice after adding your code because it won’t save the value until after the response is received the first time.

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