Postman LIVE - A Guide to the Postman Collection Format: Building Collections With JSON (March 16th, 2023)

Do you know that you can generate both client and server-side code for your APIs in ANY programming language you want?
The collection format is the specification that drives Postman Collections and provides a unique way of organizing API requests and modeling API workflows.
In this week’s Postman livestream, let’s build a Postman Collection with just JSON. Join Technical Community Manager @kevinc-postman (that’s me!) and Developer Relations Engineer, @Gbahdeyboh to discuss this specification that forms the basis of collections in Postman.



In case you missed it, last week’s stream we covered Server-Sent Events (SSE) and how Postman brought this feature to life in v10.10. Learn about this standard for real-time communication between a client and server over HTTP/S.

We stream every Thursday at 11 AM Eastern / 8 AM Pacific over on YouTube , Twitch and LinkedIn!