MEAN stack data architecture

I’m looking for a good discussion or reference on data structure considerations for a MEAN stack or similar applications where the developer has control of the API, front and back ends. In my case, I have collections for members, venues, game/matches, scores and statistics. All have CRUD APIs. With just five collections, it doesn’t take long before the data are highly referenced.

To what extent do I query, shape data, and manage state with the API versus the the front end to avoid round trips? While I expect opinionated answers will depend on the specific use, I haven’t seen a paper or discussion on best practices for types of applications.

Can anyone point me to a resource?

Hello @cliffeby, Welcome to the community :smiley: :tada:

If I am not wrong, are you looking for resources specific to managing and using Postman collections? Or an in general healthy discussion for applications.

You can find plenty of resources on Postman’s learning center. Also, I would recommend to start with organizing collections, and then you can try collection runner to manage your API (sequential) flow.

Cheers :grinning:

I’m looking for the more general discussion on data architecture when the developer can control the api and back end.

I have used the runner on my collections and find it works well.

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