Live Preview on Canary

Hey everyone,

On top of what @tmccann shared, and while we’re adding more helpers directly in the app to make it easier to manage headers, below are more detailed information on how to manage the headers that are sent with your requests.

Click on each entry to see the details.

How to disable the `cookie` header?

If you want to keep cookies in your request from being stored in the cookie jar, open the Settings tabs in your request and toggle Disable cookie jar to ON.

Show/Hide auto-generated headers

You can now choose whether to display the auto-generated headers or not. Displaying them will allow to edit or disable some of them.

How to disable or override the `Cache-Control` header?

The no-cache header means a cache will send the request to the origin server for validation before releasing a cached copy (learn more).

To disable it, display the auto-generated headers (see first section), hover on the Cache-Control entry, then click Go to settings. You can turn off Send no-cache header from that window.

You can also override the header value by going to the Headers tab of your request, and adding a Cache-Control header with the value you would like (e.g. no-store).

How to disable the `Postman-Token` header?

The postman-token header helps you track requests coming from Postman on your server, if you want to disable it, display the auto-generated headers (see first section), hover on the Postman-Token entry, then click Go to settings. You can turn off Send Postman Token header from that window.

How to override or disable other auto-generated header?

You can override any header added to your request by going to the Headers tab of your request, displaying the auto-generated headers, and either:

In the coming weeks we’ll be releasing additional helper functionality to provide control over your other request headers—we will keep you posted on progress and will update this FAQ accordingly! In the meantime please feel free to share any feedback you have. :slight_smile: