Error: Cannot find package

Good news folks - we have pushed out a fix for the issue seen by the Windows users.

If you update your Postman version, this should now be working.

Could someone with a Windows machine please confirm this please. :pray:t2:


I’m on a Windows machine and just tried the postman_logger library and it seems to work.

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Thanks @hiebs915 :trophy:

Appreciate you responding :heart:

I took a look at some of the API calls that were erroring before, and they look good now. Thank you guys so much for the quick turn around on this issue.


Still seeing the issue on Mac, when running all tests in collection, does not occur when running individual tests.

Can you provide more context and the script you’re using?

Without more information, it’s difficult to triage what’s happening for you.

Screenshots will also help here too. :pray:t2:

Sure, all the requests pass when they are run individually, but when running the whole collection, I get the error that it cannot find the package.
Here is an example of one of the scripts, This collection is just validating with invalid login tokens, so they are all using the same package. here is an example of one of those post request scripts

And the package itself.
These all pass when individually ran, showing 2/2 tests pass. But when running the whole collection, after 100 or so requests run, the following error shows, and the test run stops. Running the failed test individually passes as expected.

This looks like a different issue so can we create a new topic so that we can close out this one.

I just don’t want to ping everyone in the thread with an unrelated (to the original issue) problem.

Working fine now. Facing another issue in the package

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Thank you Postman team for the quick turnaround. I can confirm that I no longer experience the package not found bug anymore.