CSV comparison to a responseBody

Ok, this will be better structured as JSON.

The following is an example of an array with two objects. Each line of your CSV will be a separate object and you would include all of the relevant fields you want to check. I’ve only included three fields for testing purposes, but these would match your CSV headers.

        "ID": 121,
        "address-city": "LAS",
        "workCenterCode": "DAY"
        "ID": 100,
        "address-city": "AU",
        "workCenterCode": "DAY"

I would then recommend iterating over the JSON, and then searching the response based on the primary key which for this example, I’m using the ID.

This would return the object in your response for that primary key, which you can then target and assert the other fields.

// Step 1 - parse response
const response = pm.response.json();

// Step 2 - define data file. 
let testData = JSON.parse(pm.collectionVariables.get("testData"));
// You would change this to read from the data file.  
// You can access the iteration data from the special "data" variable
// let testData = data

// Step 3 - Iterate over the test data\input file
testData.forEach(element => {

    // Step 4 - Test each record in the input file
    // Using string literals to create a custom test case name
    // So its easier to know which record failed
    pm.test(`response keys match for ID ${element.ID}`, function () {

        // Step 5
        // Search the response using the ID from the testData
        let search = (response.find(obj => { return obj.id === element.ID }));

        // Step 6
        // You don't need to test the ID is correct
        // You can just check that the search is not undefined
        // console.log(search);

        // Step 7
        // You can now assert on the other fields
        // Example using bracket notation, just in case of special characters
        // Example using dot notation

And the results are in…
