Collection status: Used variables | AssertionError: expected -1 to be above -1


I think this is one for Postman to review and is a bug in the test\documentation.

I imported your collection and reviewed it side by side with my working submission.

They are the same, and the authentication appears to be set correct on the collection with everywhere else set to inherit.

The only difference I could find is that the “Collection Status” request was using a different URL.

When I initially did this course, there were different instructions on how to share the collection.

With Postman 10, the Via API method changed and you have to include the token in the URL.

Prior to this you made the collection public and shared via a different API.

For some reason the new method is producing slightly different JSON and is breaking the test.

I took your collection, imported it, then moved it to a public workspace, and then used the old URL for the Collection Status and it passes.

I can’t get it to pass using the API detailed in the updated documentation.

This works.

You can see that the auth is set ok.

  "auth": {
    "type": "apikey",
    "apikey": {
      "value": "{{email_key}}",
      "key": "csm_key"

This doesn’t.

You can see that its the same collection.

However, the JSON is returning the following instead (which is what is causing the test to fail as it has two keys in the response, turning it into an array).

`    "auth": {
      "type": "apikey",
      "apikey": [
          "key": "value",
          "value": "{{email_key}}",
          "type": "string"
          "key": "key",
          "value": "csm_key",
          "type": "string"

I don’t know why you would get different JSON from the two different APIs.

This looks like a bug that should be raised with Postman.