API First Training - API Develop Tab

Are the training collections/documentation out of date when used with the latest releases of Postman?

For example;

The “API Develop” tab no longer appears in the app.

Hey @w4dd325 !

The name of the tabs changed in the APIs indeed, do you know what training this is from? I’ll get it updated. :smiley:

It’s from the API First Training. I think there are a couple of parts that are outdated. :+1:

Yup good catch! I had actually started updating that for a previous event but never pushed the changes back to the original API, I’ll get that updated next week and let you know here when it’s done.

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I’ve updated the API spec from which the documentation is generated so whoever generates it now will get the updated version.
There’s admittedly a lot more that needs to be updated in there but we’re coming up with more changes to the UI so I’ll wait for that and do a complete update then!

Thanks for raising it @w4dd325 !

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